Friday, April 3, 2015

Planning a RTW (Round the World) Trip

I'm obsessed with planning and lately I've landed on the idea that I want to be a travel photographer. I don't care if I ever "make it" I just want to travel. I ant to get lost and remove myself from the city I live in forever.

I'm an escapist.

I'd like to use this blog as a way to keep track of my progress and maybe help those that might be interested in diving in as well. I can spend hours looking at blogs and vlogs by people who have already taken their RTW trip, but you never really understand what their initial feelings were at the very beginning. People tend to offer "sage" advice by saying you will figure it out as you go, have some savings, don't expect to hit every spot on your bucket list etc... But my aim is to not settle down, not return to a home-base, and to keep moving for as long as I possibly can. I don't have a set amount of days or places, but I have an idea of where I'd like to start. I'm working on a basic budget, but nothing broken down by days, months, meals because that would be illogical.

I plan on start this trip by September 2017, if not sooner. Reasons being, I'll be 30 in 2017 and it's time I moved on from so many things in my current situation.

During that time I plan on working and improving on a few things:

Courage to vlog and post on youtube
Improve my health (more on this later...)
Learn a new skill (S.C.U.B.A. diving, surfing, rock climbing, navigation by stars etc...)
Fluent in at least one other language. Currently, I'm working on my Italian and French.

Some of the media platforms I'll be using are (obviously) blogger, Instagram, and Twitter. I hope to use Storie by Louis Cole, or FunForLouis when it comes out for Android! I definitely need to practice being comfortable with a camera, editing, and vlogging while exploring.